The Potomac Highlands Watershed School 

Oh Deer!" 2008 Environmental Forum


Points of View with Thoughtful Questions - Hunters


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*Moderator Comment.  Several groups are suggesting that there really isn't a problem with deer overpopulation, that there are not enough deer for the hunters.  It is true that there are fewer deer in some areas than past years - but that doesn't mean there are not "enough" deer.  It is all a matter of perspective: enough for what?  Hunters became used to seeing lots of deer, and it was easy to hunt deer when they were everywhere.  One of the challenges for developing management programs that reduce the deer herd to levels that are good for the forest ecosystem and agriculture is that hunters get upset when it starts to work and they see fewer deer and have a chance to shoot fewer deer - and begin to complain loudly to the agencies to change their policies.  Part of your challenge here is to suggest ways to manage that issue.   Remember, this is not just about the hunting. 


To all Hunters: There are enough deer but when you have poachers killing all of what deer we have the decent hunters are left without anything to hunt. And in this area the majority of deer are not checked in. Therefore we don't have an accurate number of deer killed in our area.


The Elmer Fudd's North Harford H.S


                                                                                                                           10:35:00 AM

Our point of view is coming from the hunters. We make an impression on the deer

population, but still don’t make a large enough impact. The problem of deer overpopulation

is a big issue in eastern states, affecting our forests and our farm land. Although, this

problem doesn’t directly affect us, we can do much to try and correct the instability. A

solution we propose to eliminate the problem of overpopulation is to allow hunters to have

more deer tags and extend the deer hunting season.  This will allow us to flourish in our

hoby that we love, but simultaneously help the ecosystem and agricultural producers.

When dealing with cost factors for hunting, the positive out weight the negative. One

example of a potential positive factor is if we issue more deer hunting liscenses, our profit,

money and death wise, will increase.  Also, selling parts of the deer we kill such as meat,

fur, etc. will provide goods for others in addition to controlling deer population.  The

negative effect we are faced with is the cost to upkeep our clothing and equipment needed

for hunting such as guns and camouflage.  With the overpopulation of deer, this is an

opportunity for hunters to expand their knowledge and share with others.  They can teach

others and pass on the tricks of the trade.Over populating deer is a very serious problem.

Obviously, it can’t be controlled solely by the help of hunters, but we can play a large role

in it. By allowing the hunters to help control the situation at hand, the deer population will

decrease. Therefore, fewer problems will occur such as car accidents, and the depletion of

 vital vegetation in our environment.  Deer cause about $1.1billion annually to the insurance

industry, according to, a problem that could be solved by more

hunters.  “For the 80 years prior to 1999, Pennsylvania hunters, who fund the Game

Commission with their license dollars and therefore dictate policy had demanded that the

commission produce more deer then the woods could sustain,” according to



Ask a Thoughtful Question or Respond



From:     Hunters of Hampshire - hunter - HHS                                         Ask

                                                                                         10/30/2008            8:40:00 AM

     Do you think reducing the cost of out of state licenses is a good idea to increase the

     number of hunters? or would it be better to decrease the instate licenses?

From:     Baby Treehuggers - forester - HHS                                             Ask

                                                                                         10/30/2008           10:54:00 AM

     How does killing deer during hunting season now prevent the deer from returning

     next season? Don't you think that they can reproduce and come back? (Looks like

     your back at stage ONE!!)

       Response    The Elmer Fudd's - hunter - NHHS

                                                                                       11/5/2008        12:12:00 PM

             Well if you read our paper we talked about extended the hunting season so

             more deer will be killed.  Additionally, if bucks and doe are eliminated that

             will DECREASE our population because not so many will reproduce.


  From:   Hunters of Hampshire - hunter - HHS                                         Ask

                                                                                         10/30/2008           12:50:00 PM

     We feel the same way about all of that.We really like to hunt too and would like the

     season to lengthen.

       Response    The Elmer Fudd's - hunter - NHHS

                                                                                       11/5/2008        12:15:00 PM

             We thought that your idea that you presented was actually a very smart idea.

              We would decrease both. Many people hunt both in and out of Pennsylvania

             and Maryland, so making htem more available and not as costly, we have

             more hunters in both states

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Ask

                                                                                            11/6/2008            7:46:00 AM

     If the hunting season was to be expanded, how much longer would it be?

       Response    The Elmer Fudd's - hunter - NHHS

                                                                                       11/7/2008        11:13:00 AM

             we would make the season atleast two months longer from september to may.


  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Ask

                                                                                            11/6/2008            7:52:00 AM

     If the hunting clothing and supplies were cheaper, do you think there would be more

     hunters since they would be able to afford more hunting stuff?

       Response    The Elmer Fudd's - hunter - NHHS

                                                                                       11/7/2008        11:33:00 AM

             yes probably, but this will help control the deer population


  From:   Wile E. Coyote - forest - NHHS                                                 Ask

                                                                                            11/7/2008           11:25:00 AM

     We agree to the extended hunting season, however, we don't feel that the demand

     for deer fur is at an all time high at the moment. Also, who lives in the rural parts of

     America and doesn't have PLENTY of camouflage? If we were to have mass meat

     markets for deer, we would have to worry about setting up proper standards and

            regulations for the distribution and consumption of deer meat.

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Statement

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:24:00 AM

     If we are not killing enough deer then the hunting season needs to be extended don't

      ya think.

  From:   Buck Masters - hunter - BGHS                                                     Statement

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:29:00 AM

     i agree with your paper, hunters can play a major role in decreasing deer population,

     but it isnt enough.and maybe start a group to explain how hunting is beneficial

  From:   Girl With Big Guns - hunter – BGHS                                                 Statement

                                                                                          11/19/2008            8:34:00 AM

     You have a really good point about the positives of increasing the number of deer

     tags. The purchase of these extra tags will help our economy and the deer population.




Deer Slayers Hampshire H.S.


                                                                                                                            11:12:00 AM

We love deer, they are great to see in nature, and also great on the dinner plate. As Ted

Nugent says, “We love that back strap glory baby.” As every average deer hunter we are

after the nice and mature deer. In this case we believe in great land management. In order

 to have a good healthy deer population it is good to have a good source of nutrition for the

 deer population. We believe that it would be good for deer to have food plots planted on

all public land. In this method it would allow all the deer to get the nutrition they need to

survive. Not to mention how big those bucks will be. We think that to get the money to fund

 these food plots, DNR needs to charge each person twenty more dollars to each hunting

license to hunt on all public land and national forests. This way DNR could have the money

to buy the supplies they need to plant these luscious green fields. Sure it’s a little more

expensive but it will be worth it to see those monster bucks giving to us by Mother Nature.

There is no better feeling than a big wall hanger coming out of those thick forests. As they

 say on TV, when the music stops the buck drops.



Ask a Thoughtful Question or Respond


  From:   Geico - Insurance Company - NHHS                                             Ask

                                                                                            11/5/2008           12:29:00 PM

     What if another animal finds the food for the deer and they become overpopulated

     in the forest as well.  We would be just adding on to the problem.  Also how are the

     deer supposed to find the food.

       Response    Deer Slayers - hunter - HHS

                                                                                       11/6/2008        12:39:00 PM

             The deer will use their super deer senses to find the food,the deer will

             always find the food. Not just deer will benefit from these food plots.

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Ask

                                                                                            11/6/2008            7:45:00 AM

     what kind of food are you going to put on this land for the deer to eat?

       Response    Deer Slayers - hunter - HHS

                                                                                       11/12/2008      12:31:00 PM

             we would feed the deer all different kinds of greens like clover,winter

             wheat, alfalfa, etc.


  From:   Geico - Insurance Company - NHHS                                             Ask

                                                                                            11/7/2008           11:23:00 AM

     Deer don’t have super senses first off.  Also yes they will always find food but will it

      be the food you left for them?  And you only want deer to benefit from the food

     plots so you don’t overpopulate another species.  Also what happens when the deer

     become dependent on the food stations?  Then this little project will turn into a

     multi-million dollar project that involves only getting food for deer.

  From:   The Elmer Fudd's - hunter - NHHS                                            Ask

                                                                                            11/7/2008           11:35:00 AM

     What will you feed the deer???

       Response    Deer Slayers - hunter - HHS

                                                                                       11/12/2008      12:33:00 PM

             we would feed the deer a whole bunch of different greens like clover, winter

              wheat, alfalfa, etc.

  From:   Foresters of Mt. Vista - forester - MVGS                                  Ask

                                                                                          11/13/2008            7:00:00 AM

     Is the problem really with the deer being overpopulated on public land? I would think

      that the problem with deer overpopulation is on private land. I understand that you

     would like to have strong healthy deer, but trying to help sustain them will not be

     beneficial for the group as a whole.


  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Statement

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:27:00 AM

     I agree with is VERY good to eat.

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Ask

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:28:00 AM

     how much will all the food for the deer cost?

  From:   Buck Masters - hunter - BGHS                                                     Ask

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:35:00 AM

     if raising the price to hunt, do you think people would stop hunting? because more

     and more people these days cannot afford to pay for much, so by raising the price

     people might stop hunting and then population would begin to increase more than it

     already has.

  From:   Girl With Big Guns - hunter – BGHS                                                 Ask

                                                                                          11/19/2008             8:51:00 AM

     Hunting licenses are already pretty expensive and are hard for some people to

     afford especially in large families. The food plots sound like a great idea but it will

     just make the deer stronger therefore the population will be higher. Our foresters

     will be faced with a lot of extra responsibility as well. Is that really a going to be

     beneficial besides to horn thirsty hunters?






The Blue Elites Hampshire H.S.


                                                                                                                           12:45:00 PM

As a hunter, I believe as my point of view that hunting is more of a way to feed your family

 than a sport and should be treated as such. I have neighbors that shoot deer year round

just for the thrill and not for the food and it affects the enviroment all around. As a

fellow hunter, I'm out every chance during deer season and I only shoot what I eat. I was

out one day when I saw someone in orange walk out of the woods. I spotted three does

about 100 yards away and so did he. Unfortunately, he took the first shot and hit the

nearest one and just left it there. It's not in my blood to take anothers catch but after I

saw that, I told my my good friend who is a very honorific hunter and he was outraged. I

disrespect any and all hunters who kill for their own pleasure and not have a good reason

to do so. Although the regulations are well set, in West Virginia, I have not seen any rules

about killing mindlessly for no reason. I think that new rules should be set that you keep

what you catch and must have a good excuse why you caught it.




Ask a Thoughtful Question or Respond


  From:   Farmers of Mt. Vista - farmer - MVGS                                       Ask

                                                                                          11/12/2008            7:35:00 AM

          Shooting just what you need to eat during deers season is a good idea but it is

     not plausible. The deer population is too large and by just shooting what you need to

     eat will in now way help to control it. We understand that some people view it a

     morally wrong to just kill for the sake of sport. Sadly hunting is considered a sport

     in this day and age and things like that happen. No law is going to stop that because

     they is no way to regulate it. Besides, most people only shoot what they need.      "I

     think that new rules should be set that you keep what you catch and must have a

     good excuse why you caught it."     -What would be a good excuse?     -How are

     you planning on going about setting up these new rules?     -How are you planning on

      presenting this to the bureaucracy that makes up the Virginia Department of Game

     and Fisheries?     -How does this viewpoint in anyway help to control the deer

            population problem?

  From:   The Truffula Farmers & Barbaloot Hunters - farmer -              Statement

                                                                                          11/13/2008            7:35:00 AM

         We understand that people shoot deer just for sport and leave the carcasses to

     rot, but there are programs out there to have the unused meat not go to waste. 

     Hunters for the Hungry was established in Virginia for the hunters who could not eat

      all of the deer meat that they hunted, they could donate it to the hungry.  This helps

      the problem with deer meat to go to waste as well as the starvation problem.    We

      know that it's not going to stop people from killing deer just for sport, but it may

            reduce the amount of people that just leave the carcasses to rot.

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Ask

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:30:00 AM

     About how much food would you normally get out of one deer?

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Ask

                                                                                          11/17/2008             8:31:00 AM

     what would be a good excuse for killing deer?

  From:   Buck Masters - hunter - BGHS                                                     Statement

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:40:00 AM

     I agree. The meat that laid there on the ground could have gone to a family that is

     struggling to feed their family.

  From:   Girl With Big Guns - hunter – BGHS                                                 Statement

                                                                                          11/19/2008            8:50:00 AM

     I get enraged at the thought of people like the ones you spoke of! I love to hunt but

     I always eat my bounty. It’s people like that, who are disrespectful to nature, that

     give hunters a bad reputation. I jus don’t understand why someone would kill

     something and just leave it there. I constantly fight a battle during hunting season

     with brainless people that hunt illegally or not ethically. Hunting is about sitting in the

      woods to hopefully harvest some meat. People who spot light should look up the

     definition of hunting.


  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                        Ask

                                                                                          11/21/2008            8:30:00 AM

     What would be a excuse for killing deer?

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                        Statement

                                                                                          11/25/2008            7:50:00 AM

     i agree that it is away to feed your family







Hunters of Hampshire Hampshire H.S.


                                                                                                                           12:48:00 PM

Hunters are improtant to control the population of the deer.Without hunters the deer

population would be out of control.If there is an overpopulation of deer a possible solution

would be to lengthen the season to hunt them which would make all the hunters happy and

get rid of alot of the deer.Also if u lengthened the season to get rid of some deer the

farmers would be happy too because it would get rid of alot of the deer that eat their

crops.But if u kill too many of them the predators of the deer would be without their main

foodsource and could make them die too.Deer are also very beautiful to watch.Another

idea to help with the overpopulation would be to lower the license cost for in-state hunters

or let ppl hunt without a license for a few days of the season.We would prefer to have the

season lengthened to hunt them more because we really like to hunt deer and would hate if

there weren't enough to hunt.




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Thoughtful Questions

  From:   Foresters of Mt. Vista - forester - MVGS                                  Statement

                                                                                          11/13/2008            7:04:00 AM

     I do not think that a loss of predators would be a concern. We have already

     suffered a loss of natural predators when we first colonized the Americas. A longer

     deer season is an effective point.

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Statement

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:34:00 AM

     i think that if you lowered the cost for huntin licenses, then there would be a lot

     more hunters.

  From:   Buck Masters - hunter - BGHS                                                     Ask

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:45:00 AM

     what about higher the bag limit instead of extending the season?


  From:   Girl With Big Guns - hunter – BGHS                                                 Statement

                                                                                          11/21/2008             7:51:00 AM

     Lowering the costs of hunting licenses would be positive to the hunters’ wallet, but

     that also means less money will be flowing into our economy.





Sniper of the Deer Hampshire H.S.


                                                                                                                             9:17:00 AM

Hunting is a good idea because deer are so heavily populated they have created hazzards

on the roads and of the roads. hundreds are getting killed on the roads every year in animal

 vs. car accidents. I've observed the increased number of out of state vehicle tags around

area hunting hotspots. We have great hunting in west virginia so we need to take advantage

of the out-of-state hunters and allow them to hunt cheaper along with the instate hunters

as well. with the way the economy is today many people cannot afford the tags to hunt.

Also increase the number of deer a hunter can bag with a single tag to will also make it

worth the money paid to hunt.



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Thoughtful Questions

  From:   Geico - Insurance Company - NHHS                                             Statement

                                                                                            11/5/2008           12:33:00 PM

     The reason for tags is to make sure you know what you are doing when you are

     hunting deer. You just can't skip this phase it's for your safety and other hunters.

  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                   Ask

                                                                                            11/6/2008            7:48:00 AM

     How often are there vehicle vs. deer accidents?  How much money will you get off

     of selling deer meat and the other parts that you will sell?

  From:   The Elmer Fudd's - hunter - NHHS                                            Ask

                                                                                            11/7/2008           11:30:00 AM

     To continue the question above, we also ask, how many deer vs. vehicle accidents

     happen annually?

  From:   Buck Masters - hunter - BGHS                                                     Ask

                                                                                          11/17/2008            8:50:00 AM

     i agree but do you think your state would ever consider lowering prices? because the

     state is making money off of charging out-of-towners more money to hunt.

  From:   Girl With Big Guns - hunter – BGHS                                                 Ask

                                                                                          11/21/2008            7:55:00 AM

     you said with the way the economy is people can’t afford license to hunt, but don’t

     you think that by reducing license costs hunters will only be taking away from the


  From:   Deer Assassins - hunter - BGHS                                                        Statement

                                                                                          11/25/2008            7:55:00 AM

     It would be a good idea to let the out of state hunters hunt cheaper.




Girl With Big Guns  Buffalo Gap HS


                                                                                                                            7:54:00 AM

Deer over-population is a controversial subject no matter what point of view you may stand on. The fact is, deer have both very positive and negative effects on the environment as well as the economy. Growing up in a rural as well as agricultural community I regularly see the negative effects of over population in deer herds. Crops and forested areas are being dramatically effected by over grazing.
However, deer hunters play a vital role in helping to regulate the deer population. Hunting can be a very humane and effective way to balance deer populations when done ethically. As an avid hunter I participate in the sport as much as I can but, I do so under a code of ethics I feel ALL hunters should obey.  I believe in hunting responsibly by taking good shots, hunting in season, and not killing more than what can be eaten or put to good use. Hunters can be very influential by working with wildlife management agencies by developing reasonable rules and bag limits. Depending on the deer population in a particular area, bag limits for deer should be raised as needed in order for hunters to benefit the deer population in their area. Even longer hunting periods would be beneficial. Low predator rates are on the rise in many cases. If this is the case in a particular area then the bag limit on such species should be decreased.
 Avid hunters can have a very positive effect on the economy and the environment as well. Hunters spend millions of dollars each year on traveling, equipment, and lodging in turn supporting approximately 4,000 part-time and full time jobs in one state alone. Maryland’s economy, for example, was impacted by more than $209 million by hunters within one hunting season. The sale of hunting licenses and stamps contribute to major funding for wildlife management programs. Wild life education programs, land management, wildlife research, and even law enforcement are all beneficiaries of purchased license revenues. Hunters are benefiting the community in a number of ways besides financially. Many hunters provide biologist with different parts of a deer carcass in which can be used to research spreading diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease and Bovine Tuberculosis. These diseases as well as others, such as lime disease, are causing a lot of sickness and death among humans and animals. Hunters also provide food for starving people all over the country in support of the national campaign Hunters for The Hungry. Hunters aren’t the “bad guys”. Hunters are simply trying to keep an age old tradition alive while having a positive effect on their community.
Without hunters the deer population and the economy would be much worse than what it already is. With hunters having such a positive influence on the deer population as well as the economy, hunting should only be encouraged. Society should be more influenced to hunt rather than persuaded by animal rights advocates that hunting is cruel. 



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Thoughtful Questions

Moderator Comments: On the main forum page I noted that one of the challenges for developing management programs that reduce the deer herd to levels that are good for the forest ecosystem and agriculture is that hunters get upset when it starts to work and they see fewer deer and have the chance to shoot fewer deer - and begin to complain loudly to the agencies to change their policies.  You can see that exact response in some of the eForum  POVs.   One link on the main eForum page was to an Audubon article that described these challenges.  I note that the link is now broken because Audubon changed their url (drat), here is the correct one.   In order for your suggestions to work, you will have to build a consensus in the real world where people jealously guard their turf.   How do you suggest we do that?   At the moment, most decisions made about deer management are made by wildlife agencies.  Who else should have a seat at the table?  Should insurance companies?  Foresters?  Ecologists? Environmentalists? Farmers?




Buck Masters Buffalo Gap HS


                                                                                                                            7:55:00 AM

The National Gamekeepers' Organization (NGO) was pleased to be consulted by Defra officials working on the current review of sustainable deer management in Va. Deer populations continue to rise and it is encouraging that the Government recognizes that a rethink on deer management is now necessary.
The way that the (NGO) has planed to fix the deer over population is to make hunting season longer. Or they have come up with other ideas to maintain a good deer management program. Over the years the average hunter has bin able to kill six deer a year. Maybe if the bag limit was higher than it could balance the deer population. Hunters sometimes do not even kill six deer per season, but maybe they should. If hunters do not kill them then deer will just become over populated and begin getting hit be more cars. This would mean more wrecks and more people getting killed and injured. So in that case it is up to hunters to kill more of the deer to lower the population.
Also, God planned for animals to get killed and if he did not then there would not be hunting at all.  It is part of life to die everyone will experience dying sometime. But, some families rely on hunting so that they can put food on the table for there family. On the other hand hunting is a must for some people and it is how they survive. Besides, hunters enjoy being out in the woods relaxing. Also, a lot of money goes into hunting. Buying camouflage, guns, and bullets can become expensive. Believe it or not it cost people to have deer, when it comes down to it people 1.1 billion a year.
However, when becoming over populated diseases will start to occur.  When this happens it will kill off many of the deer. If the bag limit is not brought up, at least maybe by two, then deer will die off. When deer get diseases they will die but live a long time of suffering, so why not kill the deer?   



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Thoughtful Questions

Moderator Comments: On the main forum page I noted that one of the challenges for developing management programs that reduce the deer herd to levels that are good for the forest ecosystem and agriculture is that hunters get upset when it starts to work and they see fewer deer and have the chance to shoot fewer deer - and begin to complain loudly to the agencies to change their policies.  You can see that exact response in some of the eForum  POVs.   One link on the main eForum page was to an Audubon article that described these challenges.  I note that the link is now broken because Audubon changed their url (drat), here is the correct one.   In order for your suggestions to work, you will have to build a consensus in the real world where people jealously guard their turf.   How do you suggest we do that?   At the moment, most decisions made about deer management are made by wildlife agencies.  Who else should have a seat at the table?  Should insurance companies?  Foresters?  Ecologists? Environmentalists? Farmers?



Deer Assassins Buffalo Gap HS


                                                                                                                            7:55:00 AM

Hunters can control the deer population by shooting them during hunting season but only shooting them for food not for fun.  Without hunters the deer population would go up.  In the eastern states, to many deer affects our forest and farmland.  This problem does not directly affect us we can try to correct instability.  A way to control this problem is to allow hunters to have a longer period of time to hunt and to allow more deer tags. If hunters are allowed to sell parts of the deer that they kill then they will benefit from more hunting.  Some parts of the deer that they could sell include the meat that come from the deer and the fur which could be used for many different things.  The taxidermist would highly benefit from more hunting because if people already like to mount their deer to show them off, then they will keep doing so.  Therefore they would be bringing in the money because they would have plenty more business.  Another positive thing is that the hunters would be able to learn more about the deer and how they work.  They can also teach others the knowledge they learn.  Also, with the deer population being lower, it would help with the big problem of car accidents.  There are many car accidents caused by deer being in the road.  Some people are very injured and they could even cause death.  The down side of more hunting would be the fact that the stores would not be able to keep all the clothes, guns, and other equipment that they would have to keep in stock.  Some of the smaller companies would not be able to keep up.  Another negative aspect to this is that the hunters would be taking more time off work to hunt, therefore they will not be making as much money as they are used to.
Clearly if hunters were aloud to hunt more then there would be many positive ways that it would help the community.  There are not as many negative aspects to more hunting, but hopefully people will focus more on the positive ones.


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Thoughtful Questions

  From:   A Farmer's Viewpoint! - farmer - PHS                                              Statement

                                                                                          11/19/2008            8:30:00 AM

     I agree that hunter should hunt all year round


Moderator Comments: On the main forum page I noted that one of the challenges for developing management programs that reduce the deer herd to levels that are good for the forest ecosystem and agriculture is that hunters get upset when it starts to work and they see fewer deer and have the chance to shoot fewer deer - and begin to complain loudly to the agencies to change their policies.  You can see that exact response in some of the eForum  POVs.   One link on the main eForum page was to an Audubon article that described these challenges.  I note that the link is now broken because Audubon changed their url (drat), here is the correct one.   In order for your suggestions to work, you will have to build a consensus in the real world where people jealously guard their turf.   How do you suggest we do that?   At the moment, most decisions made about deer management are made by wildlife agencies.  Who else should have a seat at the table?  Should insurance companies?  Foresters?  Ecologists? Environmentalists? Farmers?



DeerHunters R Us Petersburg H.S


                                                                                                                            8:09:00 AM

From the hunter’s point of view, we believe the deer in our area are not over populated. As hunters, the more recent hunting seasons have been mediocre at best. However, it does seem that if we were allowed to hunt on the side of the road, the deer would be more plentiful and people would not hit as many deer, but then there would be more gunshot wounds, wrecks, and dead hunters from being hit by cars, that I’m afraid that is not the answer we are looking for. In 1995 there were over 50 deer per square mile in West Virginia. In 2007 the number of deer per square mile dropped to almost half of what it was in 1997. (1)

We believe that we need to make an effort to actually get more deer in an area. Hunters should be aloud to plant food plots to get deer to an area. This would increase the population and health of said deer and make the size of their antlers larger. We also think that out of state hunters should have a much harder time obtaining hunting license. Out of state hunters to tend to shoot the younger bucks and aren’t as safe about hunting. We have heard many accounts of people from other states shooting the wrong species of animal.




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  From:   The Blue Elites - hunter - HHS                                             Statement

                                                                                            11/7/2008           11:26:00 AM


We totally agree with your views on out-of-state hunting. What examples can you give supporting the, out-of-state hunters "shooting the wrong species of aminal" statement? What animals resemble a deer enough to be confused?


    Response: DeerHunters R Us - hunter – PHS    11/12/08

We have actually had incidents of people shooting goats and cows in the area. Just last year a crew from Washington D.C. checked in a goat becuase they thought it was a deer. Every year their is at least a couple farmers that complain about out-of-state hunter takin one of their cattle

  From:   Girl With Big Guns - hunter – BGHS                                             Statement

                                                                                            11/21/2008          9:05:00 AM


you said with the way the economy is people can’t afford license to hunt, but don’t you think that by reducing license costs hunters will only be taking away from the economy?





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